Pedro infante jr lupita torrentera

Lupita infante, the king of rancheras granddaughter. Pedro infante jr fallece bilingual news for students. Entertainer cruz infante, son of the legendary mexican film star and singer pedro infante, died in a car crash late monday, mexico city police said wednesday. Passed away a day after celebrating his 59th birthday. Pedro infante con lupita y pedrito jr y su hermano jose. Abril 15, 1957 pedro infante y lupita torrentera celebr. Pedro infante cruz was born on november 18, 1917, in the port town of guamuchil, part of the. Son of famous mexican actor pedro infante and dancer lupita torrentera. Pedro infante y lupita torrentera vivieron una intensa. Pedro infante y lupita torrentera vivieron juntos seis anos y procrearon tres hijos.

Lupita infante keeps her famous familys musical legacy. Lucero, leon y eva michel torrentera con leon michel. Lupita infante torrentera biografia vida con pedro infante. Graciela margarita 26 september 1947 20 january 1949, poliomyelitis, pedro infante jr. He led a fruitful career spanning over three decades, 80 films and countless. Mini bio 1 lupita infante was born as lupita infante torrentera. The first son of pedro infante cruz 19171957 and dancer lupita torrentera, the actor died shortly after midnight after spending weeks in the hospital being treated for pneumonia, during which.

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