Avian influenza adalah pdf download

However, sporadic human infections with avian flu viruses. Viral pneumonia in adults could present as communityacquired pneumonia cap, ranging from mild disease to severe disease requiring hospital admission and mechanical ventilation. Clinical presentation of avian influenza in humans may range from flulike symptoms e. Avian influenza ai is a type a influenza virus that causes respiratory disease in a variety of birds including, chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl. Avian influenza refers to disease caused by infection with avian bird influenza flu type a viruses. Alphainfluenzavirus adalah genus virus yang menyebabkan penyakit influenza pada burung dan beberapa mamalia. Evidence that the receptor specificity of an h1n1 avian influenza virus changed during replication of the virus in pigs toward one recognizing receptors in humans suggests a mechanism by which pigs could serve as intermediate hosts for the adaptation of avian viruses to humans fig. An update on human cases of avian influenza viruses worldwide avian influenza.

Dikutip dari medical news today, empat jenis virus influenza adalah. Many questions about its origins, its unusual epidemiologic features, and the basis of its pathogenicity remain unanswered. Avian influenza is an infectious viral disease that primarily affects birds, although some strains can infect and kill mammals, including humans. Avian influenza bird flu avian influenza refers to the disease caused by infection with avian bird influenza flu type a viruses.

The most virulent viruses cause highly pathogenic avian influenza hpai, a systemic infection in which death rates for some susceptible species may be as high as 100%. Avian influenza ai the bird fluis a virus that infects wild birds such as ducks, gulls, and shorebirds and domestic poultry such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. Influenza a adalah penyebab epidemi flu musiman hampir setiap tahun di amerika serikat. A highly contagious viral disease with up to 100 percent mortality in domestic fowl. Transmission of virus are caused by direct contactwith avian animals, swine.

Avian influenza viruses can rarely infect and cause disease in humans. Abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi virus avian influenza ai melalui pemeriksaan serologis dan molekuler pada unggas yang diduga terinfeksi virus ai di provinsi aceh. Halaman dalam kategori influenza kategori ini memiliki 10 halaman, dari total 10. Influenza, yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan flu, merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus rna dari familia orthomyxoviridae virus influenza, yang menyerang unggas dan mamalia. All types of birds are susceptible to the virus, but outbreaks occur most often in chickens and turkeys. Viral pathogens are increasingly recognized as a cause of pneumonia, in immunocompetent patients and more commonly among immunocompromised.

Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia. The ceirs data processing and coordinating center dpcc uploaded and published 63,006 influenza surveillance records 53,247 avian and 9,759 nonhuman mammalian on. Ducks thus have a central role in the epidemiology of influenza virus infection. The latest avian influenza news on global outbreaks, analysis and research on identifying symptoms, biosecurity measures and best practices and international trade implications for poultry producers from the editors of watt poultryusa, poultry international, industria avicola and egg industry magazines. Bird flu, also called avian influenza, is a viral infection that can infect not only birds, but also humans and other animals. Occasionally mammals, including humans, may contract avian influenza.

A recurring critique of global health diplomacy is that the concept is largely centred around the foreign policy interests of highincome states, rather than encompassing the range of stakeholders involved in global health governance. We studied autopsy specimens from 2 patients who died of infection with this virus. Influenza research database influenza genome database with. However, this possibility combined with the increasing resistance of the h5n1 ai virus to currently available antiviral treatment and lack of complete vaccination effectiveness make this a critical human health risk. Influenza wikipedia bahasa melayu, ensiklopedia bebas. Kasus flu akibat virus tipe c terjadi lebih jarang dari a dan b. Virus influenza a adalah jenis yang dapat menginfeksi manusia dan hewan. Slemonsb asoutheast poultry research laboratory, agricultural research service, u. The ministry of health in indonesia has confirmed the countrys 51st case of human infection with the h5n1 avian influenza virus.

Distribution of confirmed hpai ah5n1 outbreaks in birds by place of origin, 1 january 201715 august 2018 fao, onlinea. Apr, 2017 avian influenza is an extremely infectious and potentially fatal disease in poultry. At this time, the h5n1 avian flu virus is not present in north america. Avian influenza viruses can be transmitted on contaminated shoes, clothing, crates, egg flats, egg cases, vehicles, and other equipment.

Avian menghadirkan dunia yang kaya warna, hidup yang bermakna dengan produkproduk berkualitas. In vitro evolution of h5n1 avian influenza virus toward human. Mohon tanda tangani komentar anda dengan mengetikkan empat karakter tilda. Information on avian influenza avian influenza flu. Some avian influenza viruses circulate in wild bird populations causing no disease or only mild disease. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change. Apoptosis was observed in alveolar epithelial cells, which is the major target cell type for the viral replication. Apoptosis and pathogenesis of avian influenza a h5n1 virus. Of the 109 households followed up, 18 households with 64 household contacts were excluded from the analysis of household transmission because more than 1 household member was positive for influenza at the initial home visit, complicating assessment of transmission dynamics table 1. Using mean infectious dose of high and lowpathogenicity avian influenza viruses originating from wild duck and poultry as one measure of infectivity and adaptation to poultry david e.

Avian influenza refers to the disease caused by infection with avian bird influenza flu type a viruses. The emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza h5n1 in viet nam, in plos one. Banyak orang mengira flu sama dengan batuk pilek biasa common cold. The discovery of an adventitious agent in an already licensed vaccine, or a signal suggesting an adventitious agent, has presented difficult issues for national regulatory authorities nras, national control laboratories ncls, public health officials, manufacturers, and the general public since the mid1900s. Such cases are usually associated with close exposure to infected bird or animal populations.

Some avian influenza viruses, such as h5n1 or h7n9, have been associated with human disease. Virus ini pada permukaannya diselubungi oleh sekitar 500 glikoprotein. Avian influenza in poultry 3 through improper disposal of infected carcasses, manure, or poultry byproducts. Influenza, biasanya dikenali sebagai selsema flu, merupakan penyakit berjangkit burung dan mamalia yang disebabkan oleh virus rna dari famili orthomyxoviridae virus influenza. Walaupun gejalanya mirip, kedua kondisi ini disebabkan oleh jenis virus yang berbeda. Feb 12, 2020 avian influenza is a slightly misleading term, as influenza is among the natural infections found in birds. Avian influenza viruses are classified as either low pathogenic also called low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses or highly pathogenic high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses. View abstract cite this article email this article highly pathogenic avian influenza hpai ah5n1 viruses have been circulating since 2003 in indonesia, with major impacts on poultry health, severe economic. The public health implications of the pandemic therefore remain in doubt even as we now grapple with the. Bird flu is similar to swine flu, dog flu, horse flu and human flu as an illness caused by strains of influenza viruses that have adapted to a specific host. There is flu for birds just as there is for humans and, as with people, some forms of the flu in birds are worse than others.

Avian influenza ai is a highly contagious viral disease affecting several species of food producing birds chickens, turkeys, quails, guinea fowl, etc. Several key animal and plant health inspection service aphis documents complement this sop and provide further detail when necessary. They represent an important reservoir species of avian influenza viruses, which can occasionally be transmitted to other bird species or mammals, including humans. Currently, there is no rapid test for diagnosis of pets with avian influenza virus. Migratory wildfowl, particularly wild ducks, are the natural reservoir.

Pada manusia, antara gejala umum termasuklah demam, sakit tekak, sakit otot, sakit kepala teruk, hidung berhingus serta tersumbat, batuk, kelesuan dan rasa tidak sedap badan. Controlling avian influenza viruses in poultry is crucial to preventing those viruses from evolving to infect people. Avian influenza viruses influenzavirus, orthomyxoviridae infect wild birds globally and the natural reservoirs are wild waterfowl, gulls and shorebirds webster 1998. Influenza wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Influenza virus is an orthomyxovirusan enveloped, segmented, negativesense rna virus.

Summary pandemic influenza virus has its origins in avian influenza viruses. Animal health in the world world organisation for animal. Pandemic of avian influenzae ai cause outbreak in asia including in indonesia. Who avian influenza situation in indonesia update 20. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 37 sampel berupa swab trakea. Avian influenza, first identified in italy more than 100 years ago, affects birds. Wild birds and avian influenza food and agriculture organization.

The pathogenesis of avian influenza a h5n1 virus in humans has not been clearly elucidated. Centers for disease control and world health organization are working closely with affected countries to slow and hopefully stop the spread of the disease. Pathogenesis and transmission of avian influenza a h7n9. There are many types of influenza viruses that usually only infect birds. Influenza a h1n1atau lebih dikenali sebagai selesema babi merujuk kepada influenza demam selesema yang disebabkan oleh manamana virus dalam keluarga orthomyxoviridae, berasal dari wabak yang menjangkiti populasi babi. The spanish influenza pandemic of 19181919, which caused.

Haemagglutinin is a protein found on the surface of influenza viruses which is. Virus ini ditempatkan dalam ordo orthomyxoviridae dan hanya terdiri atas satu spesies, yaitu virus influenza a. Isolation and identification of h5n1 subtype avian influenza in poultry in java island, indonesia, 2016 download download pdf. Avian influenza, known informally as avian flu or bird flu, is a variety of influenza caused by viruses adapted to birds. Avian influenza and the virus that causes it avian influenza is caused by influenza viruses which are common in wild birds and occasionally infect poultry. Berdasarkan data who tahun 2015, indonesia merupakan negara dengan kasus influenza a h5n1 pada manusia yang terbanyakkedua setelah mesir. As with many animal diseases, humans can sporadically become infected under special conditions.

Di antara banyak subtipe virus influenza a, saat ini subtipe influenza a h1n1 dan a h3n2 adalah yang banyak beredar di antara manusia. When poultry are infected, they may have no disease, mild disease or very severe disease. It continues to cross species barriers to infect humans and other mammals, often with fatal outcomes. Avian influenza outbreak june 2015 avian influenza personal protective equipment ppe guidelines working in affected poultry facilities involves exposures to dust, toxic gases and disinfecting chemicals, in addition to avian influenza virus. Although it is a bird flu, it has infected a relatively small number of people killing around. Avian influenza a viruses can infect the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract of birds and have been isolated from more than 100 different species of wild birds around the world. Pdf between 16 may and 15 august 2018, three highly pathogenic avian influenza. Vietnam, indonesia, and egypt, where they continue to evolve rapidly melidou, 2009, sims, 2007.

Ai viruses can be classified into low pathogenicity lpai and highly pathogenic. Outbreaks of avian influenza viruses later increased in frequency. Avian influenza is a slightly misleading term, as influenza is among the natural infections found in birds. Where appropriate, information on these will be available in the outbreaks and news sections of the relevant country pages. Pdf avian influenza overview may august 2018 researchgate. The case, which was fatal, occurred in a yearold boy from south jakarta. Gejala influenza dapat dimulai dengan cepat, satu sampai dua hari setelah infeksi. Penderita flu akan mengalami demam, sakit kepala, pilek, hidung tersumbat, serta batuk. Learn about bird flu viral subtypes and their detection. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title avian. Avian flu or avian influenza, and commonly known as bird flu is an influenza type a virus that appears in many different subtypes classified according to the nature of the two components that make up the virus haemagglutinin h and neuraminidase n.

The outbreak of the socalled spanish flu, an avian influenza virus, spread worldwide, infecting onethird of the population. It is important to select respiratory protection for all of these exposures. Aug 16, 2006 the worldwide spread of h5n1 avian influenza has raised concerns that this virus might acquire the ability to pass readily among humans and cause a pandemic. Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses h5n1 have become enzootic in avian populations in many countries, e. The case is a 37 year old male from yogyakarta province.

The novel coronavirus outbreak has quickly become the largest pandemic in recent history, but its not unprecedented. Pdf pendahuluan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini perhatian dunia kesehatan terpusat kepada semakin merebaknya penularan avian influenza a. The usda swine influenza surveillance consortium submitted 822 influenza sequences to genbank during the quarter of octoberdecember 2018 using the ird sequence submission tool. Jul 10, 20 on 29 march 20, the chinese center for disease control and prevention confirmed the first reported case of human infection with an avian influenza ah7n9 virus 1. Department of agriculture, 934 college station road. Avian influenza ai is a viral infection of domestic poultry, and pet, zoo, and wild birds. The continuous threat of an influenza pandemic represents one of the biggest challenges in public health. Effect of mineral and vitamin c mix on growth performance and blood corticosterone concentrations in heatstressed broilers.

Avian influenza known informally as avian flu or bird flu is a variety of influenza caused by viruses adapted to birds. Newcastle disease is a minor zoonosis disease of animals that can also infect humans and can cause conjunctivitis in humans, but the condition is generally very mild and self limiting. The disease also can be easily spread by people and equipment contaminated with avian influenza virus. Mar 21, 2019 avian influenza refers to the disease caused by infection with avian bird influenza flu type a viruses. Animal health in the world world organisation for animal health. If infection has occurred in poultry in a previously free country, zone or compartment, avian influenza free status can be regained.

There are many ai virus strains, which are usually classified into two categories. Virus avian influenza vai merupakan virus influenza a terdiri atas 8 potongan rna berpilin negatif dan termasuk dalam famili orthomyxoviridae. Bird flu, a viral respiratory disease of poultry and other bird species, including migratory waterbirds, that can be transmitted to humans. Introduction a disease capable of causing extremely high up to 100% mortality in poultry was first distinguished from bacterial diseases, such as fowl cholera, by perroncito in 1878. The alert response level under the governments preparedness plan for influenza pandemic is activated avian influenza is caused by those influenza viruses that mainly affect birds and poultry, such as chickens or ducks. Avian influenza 3 and that will spread readily from person to person is unknown. Bird flu is similar to swine flu, dog flu, horse flu and human flu as an illness caused by strains of influenza viruses that have adapted to a.

These viruses occur naturally among wild aquatic birds worldwide and can infect domestic poultry and other bird and animal species. Virus influenza bersirkulasi di setiap bagian dunia. The structure of h5n1 avian influenza neuraminidase suggests. Virus influenza a wikipedia bahasa melayu, ensiklopedia. View of deteksi, isolasi, dan identifikasi avian influenza subtipe. Halaman ini bukanlah forum untuk diskusi umum mengenai subyek artikel. Comparative epidemiology of influenza b yamagata and. Chickens, quail and turkeys are especially susceptible while ducks. Avian influenza a viruses are designated as highly pathogenic avian influenza hpai or low pathogenicity avian influenza lpai based on molecular characteristics of the virus and the ability of the virus to cause disease and mortality in chickens in a laboratory setting.

A highly pathogenic avian influenza a h5n1 virus has crossed the species barrier to cause deaths in humans in asia and poses an increasing threat of a pandemic. Influenza babi wikipedia bahasa melayu, ensiklopedia bebas. Flu atau influenza adalah infeksi virus yang menyerang hidung, tenggorokan, dan paruparu. Pada babi, wabak ini sejenis penyakit berjangkit yang mengganggu sistem pernafasan babi dan berpunca daripada salah satu jenis virus selesema. Therefore, h5n1 virus has rightly received attention as a potential pandemic threat.

The virus can live for a long time in the environment and can also be spread by objects or fomites e. Highly pathogenic and low pathogenic avian influenza a viruses. Using mean infectious dose of high and lowpathogenicity. Reassortments among avian influenza ah5n1 viruses circulating in indonesia, 20152016 pdf 3. The characteristics of index cases and their household. In domestic poultry, ai viruses are typically of low pathogenicity lp, causing subclinical infections, respiratory disease, or drops in egg production, but a few ai viruses are highly pathogenic hp, causing severe systemic disease with multiple organ failure and high mortality. A highly pathogenic avian influenza a h5n1 virus has crossed the species barrier to cause deaths in humans in asia and poses an increasing threat. Gejala yang paling umum dari penyakit ini adalah menggigil, demam, nyeri tenggorokan, nyeri otot, nyeri kepala berat, batuk, kelelahan, dan rasa tidak nyaman secara umum. He developed fever on 24 july 2012, was hospitalized on 27 july and died on 30 july. Despite very high casefatality proportions in some countries, human cases remain sporadic and isolated, suggesting that efficient.

Itulah sebabnya hanya virus influenza a dan b termasuk dalam vaksin influenza musiman. Biasanya gejala pertama adalah menggigil atau perasaan dingin, tetapi demam juga sering terjadi pada awal infeksi, dengan temperatur tubuh berkisar 3839 c kurang lebih 100103 f. In birds, avian influenza is spread by direct contact with the fecal droppings or respiratory secretions of infected birds. The clinical signs vary widely and are dependent on factors such as. The type with the greatest risk is highly pathogenic avian influenza hpai. A virus is defined as hpai or lpai by its ability to cause severe disease in intravenously inoculated young chickens in the laboratory, or by its. Ini adalah halaman pembicaraan yang digunakan untuk mendiskusikan penyempurnaan artikel influenza. The bird flu and you fullcolor poster provided by the center for technology and national security policy at the national defense university, in collaboration with the national security health policy center influenza report 2006 online book. Influenza a viruses that infect poultry can be divided into 2 distinct groups according to the severity of disease they cause. Oie world organisation for animal health fake hub hd sexy hub female domination. This vaccines journal is a open access scholarly journal dedicated towards distribution of valuable information for the societal benefit. The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype h5n1 is already panzootic in poultry, with attendant economic consequences. The term avian influenza used in this context refers to zoonotic human infection with an influenza strain that primarily affects birds.

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